Reviews: Solid Stainless steel - Gold Urn/Purifier Tap Solid Stainless steel - Gold Urn/Purifier Tap [Stainless Steel - Gold] - $49.00 : Australis Water Purifiers, Ceramic Water Filters and Benchtop Water Purifiers - Australia

Solid Stainless steel - Gold Urn/Purifier Tap
[Stainless Steel - Gold]


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Monday 23rd November, 2020.

Hello to the staff of Aquinexus,

My order from your company arrived today and my husband installed it into our water jug this evening and I just had to write and let you know what an absolute delight the new gold metal tap is both aesthetically and functionally. It is definitely superior our old plastic tap having a faster flow and a more positive turn operation. So fingers crossed it will last longer than our plastic one.
